13 Ocak 2010 Çarşamba

App of the Week: Lock Up Your Android

MobileWhen we think of phone security, we often dwell on the danger that hackers pose, but the far more likely threat comes from simply losing your phone or having it stolen. That leaves your personal information, photos and whatever else (you didn’t store passwords on your phone, did you?) open to inspection.

WaveSecure, a free app for Android, (also available for a variety of other phones including Nokia) lets you use any computer to lock down your lost phone, erase the disc, locate it and restore much of the phone’s contents if it is recovered.

WaveSecure does more on some other phones, like allowing users to set automatic backups, which are not yet a part of the Android app. The company said it was working on adding features like backing up music, applications and settings.

In the meantime, though, the Android Market keeps a list of apps you’ve paid for, so you shouldn’t have to buy them again, you’ll just have to restore them separately. Music can be backed up to your computer. As for settings, make notes — you’re on your own.


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